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Setting Up Parental Control On Various Devices

The modern digital age provides a wide range of opportunities to learn, explore and connect. However, it comes with its share of threats when in the wrong hands — especially for young users. If you're a parent concerned about what your child might see or do online, parental controls are an important tool at your disposal.

Setting up parental control is quintessential as it allows you supervise your children's activities on their devices without hovering always around them. This article will help guide you through setting up these controls on various electronic gadgets such as smartphones (both Android and iOS), game consoles, Windows or MacOS PC.

iPhone/iPad Parental Controls

  1. Go to "Settings"

  2. Select "Screen Time"

  3. Tap "Continue", then choose which settings apply: 'This is My Device' or 'This is My Child's Device.'

  4. Depending upon whether this device belongs to adult or child, several options would be provided like DownTime (schedule time away from screen), App Limits (set limits for app usage) etc.

  5. Enforce these controls by setting a dedicated passcode under Screen Time Passcode option.

Android Parental Controls

  1. Open the Play Store APP

  2. Tap three lines menu button at upper-left corner

  3. Scroll down & tap “Parental Controls.”

4.) Switch slider ON

5. Set unique PIN code (ensure that it’s secretive)

6.Set restrictions based on content ratings available in all categories like Apps & games / films / music etc., level.

7.Confirm each selection by tapping OK.

Windows 10 Parental Controls

For windows 10 PC:

1.Open Microsoft website

2.Create Family group account adding yourself as Adult & other family members especially children.

3.Go back to Settings > Accounts > Family & Other Users

4.Click on “Manage Family settings online” & sign-in.

5.Configure screen limits, content restrictions etc., as per your requirement.

MacOS Parental Controls

For MacOS,

1.Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences > Parental Controls

2.Create dedicated account for child.

3.Select Apps tab and restrict inappropriate apps.

4.Click on web tab and choose ‘try to limit access to adult websites’ option.

Game Consoles like Xbox, PlayStation also contains similar settings in systems area where age-based controls can be regulated effectively. Remember that setting parental control means balancing between safety from inappropriate content but at same time ensuring it's not too restrictive so children will find way around it which defeats whole purpose!

Remember, Internet is a great place for kids only if they are safe-guarded correctly against pitfalls. As parents its our responsibility to ensure their digital journey becomes fruitful by strategically implementing these parental control measures!