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Navigating Windows 10 - Essential Tips for a Seamless Experience

In the fast-paced digital world of today, having practical knowledge of operating systems is not just beneficial but quite essential. Amongst many others, one system that has popularly held its ground over recent years is Microsoft's Windows 10. If you are one among those who struggle with navigating through this system or understand how to make the most out of it, then this article is definitely for you.

Today we will cover some essential tips and tricks about navigating your way through Windows 10 and provide advice on streamlining your experience.

Getting Started with Desktop & Start Menu

The "Start" menu got a revamp in Windows 10 which seamlessly combines elements from both older versions and new touch-optimized features. You will find the 'Live Tiles' on the right – these colorful squares update real-time info from their respective apps as weather updates or email notifications directly reachable from here.

Want to add an app to start? Right-click it in All Apps list > More > Pin to start+taskbar button. Conversely, unpin any unneeded tile by right-clicking>Unpin from Start. Feel free to resize tiles (Right Click -> Resize) allowing customization according to individual preferences; reorganizing them via drag-and-drop actions also offers a personal touch.

Cortana - Your Digital Assistant

A significant update added was Cortana, Microsoft’s built-in ‘Digital Assistant.’ With voice and text capabilities going beyond basic commands/searches like setting reminders/alarms, checking weather/news updates making life simpler. To summon: click on circle situated bottom-left-hand taskbar corner next search box saying “Ask me anything”. Adjust settings/preferences accordingly under Notebook section found within Hamburg icon top left.

Making Most Out Of Task View

Task View organizes everything running into clean interface mimicking multiple desktops concept previously seen Mac/Linux platforms — underused yet handy functionality. Access this: clicking ‘Task View’ button next Cortana or ‘Windows Key + Tab’. To create new desktop => upperleft-hand corner click on '+ New Desktop'. Switching made easy through Task view or by using 'Ctrl+ Windows Key and either left/right arrows'.

Efficient Use Of Snap Assist

Gone are the days when juggling between windows/applications was a painstaking task. Thanks to the revamped Snap Assist feature in Windows 10, managing your running tasks is far easier now. It allows side-by-side placement of up to four app windows but honestly, two at a time can be managed better screen real estate-wise.

Do this by dragging an open window’s title bar toward your screen’s border till space gets pre-highlighted then drop it into place, other opened applications would appear as tiles on remaining spaces for selection.

Gain Efficiency With Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts always come in handy while multitasking or trying to speedily maneuver around your system regardless if you're coding away for work or playing games leisurely. Here are few favorites:

Constant updates brought in changes/improvements so keep watch; try/customize further enhancing overall user experience hopefully making life little bit simpler each day; these were just some basics—a starter guide only scratching surface Microsoft's dense software layers available uncover/experiment more with.

Once familiarized effectively navigating around Win10 not only smooths workflow but increases proficiency too—never underestimate mastering any tool's full potential/resourcefulness. In upcoming articles dive deeper under hood exposing tips/tricks often overlooked but immensely useful since we're here provide tools power up your computer handlings skills.

Now then, go ahead—dive in and explore. Flexibility & user-friendliness are prime reasons why, despite tough competition from macOS and Linux, Windows still remains one largely used Operating Systems worldwide; more control using it doesn't hurt right?