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An Introduction to Open Source Software – Why Choose Free Tools?

Open source software (OSS) has quickly grown into an inevitable force in the digital world. This technology phenomenon taps into the power of a worldwide community, where anyone can use, modify and distribute the source code freely.

For those unfamiliar with this concept or undecided about using open-source tools, let's take you through what they are and why you should consider them.

What is Open Source Software (OSS)?

Fundamentally, open source software is a type of computer program launched with its source code available for public view. As a result of allowing access to its coding framework, it allows programmers around the globe to modify it as per their requirements or contribute improvements that could become part of future versions of the software.

So why does this matter? Well, several reasons come to mind:


With OSS, nothing is hidden underneath a veil - all operations are transparently laid out in front of user eyes. Users trust OSS because they see exactly what happens when they perform certain actions on such applications.

Community Input

A sturdy characteristic feature of OSS is its active community support looking always ready to assist users experiencing difficulties while running various tasks along sides continually updating existing features & developing new ones.

Decreased Cost Structures

While notably not all open-source tools are free-of-charge but most provide significant cost benefits compared to commercial alternatives since subscription plans typically don't burden them..

Why Should You Consider Using Open Source Sofware?

Now we understand what open source software entails let's address why one would want to adapt their personal or business processes towards such tools:

Incredible Versatility:

Open Source Software covers just about every category imaginable - from vast operating systems like Linux Ubuntu focusing on high-level multi-user network operations down onto lower-level image manipulation programs like GIMP helping enhance your photos by cropping unwanted parts , adjusting brightness/contrast , or inserting filters, OSS got it all.


Open source programs offer a wider range of customizing capabilities precisely because they allow you to tweak the code. You're not tied down with whatever options the developers deemed fit to include- here; your imagination is only limitation.

Security and Privacy:

Whilst no software can be declared utterly immune from hacks or breaches, OSS puts up a pretty solid fight due its transparent nature that allows many eyes reviewing & listing out potential vulnerabilities then fixing swiftly before damaging incidents might occur.


All in all, open-source software offers an explosion of possibilities through its participatory culture where one has freedom to use, distribute and contribute towards betterment. By leveraging these tools for personal or business processes could result into not just cost-savings but also help positively influence this open eco-system by giving back what same received through participating, suggesting improvements - even if it's you simply conveying appreciation towards distinctive features found truly useful.

In upcoming articles we shall dive deeper into popular open source applications across various fields & how best practically using them thus make sure keeping track of us!