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Secrets to Getting More Out of Google Search

Google has been the go-to search engine for most internet users due to its speed, accuracy, and efficiency. Most people use surface-level features that are easily accessible on Google's homepage without exploring deeper functionalities and capabilities. However, learning a few tricks can significantly boost your searching experience.

This guide will feature secrets and tips to help you get more from your daily Google searches.

Use Quotation Marks for Exact Matches

Most casual searchers might be unaware that using quotation marks during a google search makes quite a difference in results. Putting quotes around a phrase forces Google to look for the exact wordings in the same order they appear within the quotes. For instance, inputting “howdy partner” will filter out all results not featuring those words together.

Employ The Hyphen To Exclude Words

There may be times when specific keywords cloud your search result. In a situation like this, it is best to use hyphens (-) before such unwanted terms (without space). This tells Google Search Engine you wish not see any result containing such words; thus filters them out.E.g: Jupiter -planet would yield entities named 'Jupiter' but excluding results related with planet Jupiter.

Use A Colon To Search Specific Sites

You can target your google query specifically at one website by employing colon(:). It's fairly simple way of restricting google’s prowling eyes onto one website only,e.g: COVID-19 vaccine site:who.int. Only contain information about COVID-19 vaccines sourced from World Health Organization's webpages would show-up by this query.

Astrix As A Wildcard

A wildcard is generally represented by an asterisk () which comes handy violating certain rules set by previous parameters , e.g : Eisenhower * Kennedy allow us serge pages where two former presidents' name appears anywhere in the page, no matter what comes between.

Use Of Time Range

One under-exploited feature of Google is its time range tool. With this function, you can filter search results based on their publish date.This way,you may stay up-to-date with newest finds and researches available online.To visit this self explaining tool 'All', 'Tools','Any Time' selection needs to be performed respectively.

Search Images Using Images

Do you know that it's possible to perform a reverse image search using Google? This means you can find out where an image came from, or for similar images across the web. Just click on the camera icon in Google Image's search bar and upload your picture.

Google’s rich capabilities make it an invaluable asset to both basic users browsing cat videos and research scholars tracing obscure references. There are still numerable tips out there , waiting to be discovered.Understanding how google operates underneath its simple looking home-page assists fast,easy sifting through wealth of data at disposal.Getting familiar with these techniques takes negligible effort compared uniquely productive outputs.With hope that this article aided our reader understanding digital library better we conclude.Put these tips into action during your next online venture!