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Managing Screen Time: Healthy Usage of Technology

Technology is ubiquitous in today's society. From phones, tablets, TVs to laptops and smartwatches – these devices deliver multiple benefits from education to entertainment. However, improper use can lead to potential health risks like eye strain, reduced physical activity, and disrupted sleep patterns.

Screen time refers to the amount of time spent viewing digital screens. It includes the usage time on computers for work or educational purposes and using smartphones or other digital media platforms for leisure activities.

With remote working becoming a norm amidst current circumstances and increased reliance on electronic gadgets spreading across individuals of all age groups - managing screen time has become an essential aspect of our modern lives.

This article outlines some recommendations about how you can successfully manage your screen-time habits to ensure that they contribute positively towards your overall well-being.

Understand Your Screen Habits

The first step toward controlling your digital device usage starts with understanding where your time goes when you are online. Most smartphones come equipped with default features that track screen time divided into various categories such as social media browsing, video streaming or productivity purposes. Tools like 'Digital Wellbeing' by Android or 'Screen-Time' by Apple will be useful in this respect.

Taking note of what apps you gravitate towards during the day will give you insight into whether they add value in any meaningful way. For example: Is social media filling a gap in connection? Or acting more as a procrastinator from important tasks?

Set Tech-Free Zones/Times

It’s not practical (or even needed) to go completely tech-free but designating specific zones/times free from technology helps immensely in cutting down unnecessary utilization while achieving balance between life responsibilities & recreational uses. This could include:

Take Regular Breaks

It is crucial to take a break from your screens every 20-30 minutes. There’s even an ergonomic practice known as the "20-20-20 rule" - after every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds to mitigate eyestrain. Whether you are working or entertaining yourself online, set a schedule to relax your eyes and move around regularly.

Use Technology Positively

Technology isn't inherently harmful – how we use it determines its impact on us. Here's how:

Night Mode: A Saver

Most digital devices offer night mode settings where the blue light emission (which disturbs sleep cycles) is minimized through warmer color tones ensuring lesser harm during late-night usage.

In conclusion, while technology has become an indispensable part of our life routine providing countless conveniences; its omnipresence should not impede upon necessary boundaries enforced towards maintaining physical health, mental sanity and overall well-being. By careful management of our screen time habits — understanding them first and then curating custom 'digital-diet' plans by setting healthy rules — we can effectively enjoy benefits that technology offers without letting any unintended consequences loom over.