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AI, What It Is and Why It Matters More Than Ever?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is shaping the world we live in more than ever before. From your smartphone to voice-activated virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Home, healthcare diagnostics, autonomous vehicles, all the way to advanced climate modeling; artificial intelligence has become ubiquitous in our daily lives.

What exactly is AI?

At its core, Artificial Intelligence involves machines that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. These tasks include learning from experience (machine learning), recognizing patterns (neural networks), understanding language (Natural Language Processing), perceiving their environment (Computer Vision) and even decision-making.

The fundamental concept behind AI is that a machine should be able to mimic human cognitive functions – “think” like us and have behavior similar to a human’s. While some AIs are geared towards performing specific tasks such as predictive text input on your mobile device or face recognition on social media platforms, others aim for general applications with functions comparable to multiple human cognitive abilities.

However it's important not to mix artificial Intelligence up with automation - while both involve machines doing tasks autonomously the key difference lies in how they interact: automated systems blindly follow programmed instructions while AI systems will ‘learn’ and adapt based upon their experiences

Why Does AI Matter Now?

Today's interest in artificial intelligence feels much stronger due primarily because of recent major advancements particularly breakthroughs enabling existing tech such as Big Data analytics; which now allow large volumes of data (often unstructured big-data) gathered from diverse sources across the internet - such as social media sites - allowing businesses gain insights never previously attainable prior these technologies being considered together

Alongside these developments you also find increasingly powerful computer processing capabilities emerging aided by hardware innovations like graphic processing units and likely soon ''quantum computing''. Today’s high-speed networks make cloud computing readily accessible ensuring companies manage processes remotely significantly reducing costs

Societal Impact

Beyond the impact in technology and business realms, AI is now shaping social aspects of human life. For instance, AI has enabled advancements in healthcare with algorithms capable of predicting diseases even before symptoms arise and are hence helping save lives.

In education sector, tailoring individual student learning experiences is something that would have been extremely challenging without AI. By analyzing a learner’s strengths and weaknesses across different study areas educational software tools can dynamically adjust content to suit their requirements creating tailored learning plans promoting academic success

AI helps us communicate too; breaking down language barriers via instant translation services or providing accessibilities such as closed captioning for hearing-impaired individuals or text-to-speech tech for people with visual impairment

Future of AI

As we proceed into this exciting future driven by artificial intelligence there is also need for caution. Issues about privacy data security fairness transparency must be explored while considering benefits these technologies bring along side potential negative impacts they may present if misused without sufficient regulation by governments bodies around world

Conclusively it's clear the reach of artificial intelligence goes far beyond merely a new form of digital tool - truly it envisages redefining what's achievable whilst simultaneously presenting interesting challenges ahead including ethical dilemmas surrounding its usage particularly considerations regarding ensuring that technological advancement doesn't come at cost human rights freedoms society holds dear.

While we're still in early days unfolding story artificial intelligence development growth will undoubtedly continue shape our everyday lives profound meaningful ways – near term future seems certain will involve finding balance maximising promising advantages mitigating inherent risks associated progress field+AI